In this 2024 Impact Report, you will witness the fruit of our collective efforts and the lives forever changed by God’s grace. Your faithful partnership has carried us to our 25th year of ministry— climbing the Hill Country of poverty and fighting the Giants of injustice, hunger, illness, and illiteracy in Jesus’ name.

Our mission strategy is built on forming living bridges that unite the local church, donors, and those called to ministry and the missionary vocation. These bridges enable us to climb the hills and fight the giants with strength and perseverance.

Last year, we witnessed remarkable transformations. Children found hope, families were restored, the sick were healed, the hungry fed, the widow cared for, and Christians burdened by poverty and persecution were strengthened through your faithful partnership.

Thank you for standing with us in this mission. As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we are confident that God will continue to use this work to reach His weakest children and to share His light in Word and deed. Together, let us press forward with faith knowing that the best is yet to come.

With gratitude and hope,