Baby Ariela’s Story
Something has also changed in our hearts
Nothing was distinctly different about Maria’s pregnancy with Ariela. She and her husband already had three healthy children. As her fourth child, she knew what to expect. However, shortly after Ariela was born, Maria noticed her milk supply never seemed to fully come in and her new baby was not gaining weight.
Maria kept asking herself, “Why is this happening now? I don’t understand. I didn’t have this problem with my other children.”
To make matters worse, a drought was occurring, causing the crops to fail. Maria’s family was without food more days than not. It was difficult to feed five mouths, let alone a newly born baby.
When the reality of Ariela’s condition became apparent, Maria left her home and walked to the nearest village. There she asked anyone who would listen for a little corn flour to make porridge; anything to soothe the hungry cries of her baby and keep her from losing even more weight. Even then, Ariela was so little, she didn’t tolerate the porridge well.
Through conversations in the village, Maria heard about Tessa Grace Nutrition where other moms faced the same challenges. There they received formula for their malnourished babies. Maria was thrilled when she heard she could join the weekly nutrition program. The hour and a half walk, round-trip, seemed of small consequence when Ariela began taking the formula right away. And, in time, Ariela caught up to her peers in height and weight. It took over a year, but now Ariela is thriving.
Maria reflected about her days at the Tessa Grace program, “Since we started going to Tessa Grace we’ve known Jesus, but something changed. We were suffering a lot at home, with sickness and fever, but something has changed, and this is no longer the case. Something has also changed in our hearts.”
Through our Tessa Grace and Miracle Milk Nutrition programs, we care for some of the world’s most vulnerable moms and babies like Maria and Ariela.