Maria Felix Balança

Since 2018, Maria has served malnourished babies at our Tessa Grace Nutrition location in Savane, Mozambique—a partner ministry of Project Life. She vividly remembers the day someone told her about Jesus. Now, she loves teaching other women, and especially the mothers of the babies in the Tessa Grace program about His love too.

Partner with our Project Life Caregivers! Sponsor Maria, beginning at $40/month.

A caregiver salary costs $160/month. Four sponsors make this possible at $40/month each. One sponsor may contribute more than one-fourth of the total sponsorship (e.g. one sponsor at $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide a salary and a month’s supply of food. Your gifts will enable our Caregivers to serve the sick and dying in their community.


Help Maria serve the sick and dying.


Maria de Fatima Carlos