Gender: Girl

Current Grade: Grade 7

In 2020, Siamnu’s family fled to India with SCA. In 2023 the students at SCA returned to Myanmar and were placed in boarding schools. Lunpi’s father has a job with a small solar energy company, but his income is not enough to provide for their large family. Lunpi’s mother stays ho me to care for their younger children. Both parents are strong Christians. They connected to SCA through their church. Lunpi is timid with adults and older children, but she enjoys playing and chatting with her close friends.  

Partner with our Shalem Christian Academy! Sponsor Lunpi, beginning at $40/month.

Room and board for each student is $160/month. We look for four sponsorships at $40/month to help cover this cost. A sponsor may sign up for more than one sponsorship (i.e. $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide Lunpi with room and board and an education. Your gifts will pay for Lunpi’s uniform, meals, medical check-ups, and educational materials.


Help provide Lunpi with a brighter future.



