Gender: Girl
Current grade: University

Mary’s father has worked in India for years. In his absence, Mary’s mother left her two children to live with another man. Mary and her brother were passed around to different family members until their adult cousins took them in. After most of the SCA students returned to their homes after the coup, Mary decided to stay in South East Asia to go to a bible college there.

Partner with our Shalem Christian Academy! Sponsor Mary, beginning at $40/month.

Room and board for each student is $160/month. We look for four sponsorships at $40/month to help cover this cost. A sponsor may sign up for more than one sponsorship (i.e. $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide Mary with room and board and an education. Your gifts will pay for Mary’s uniform, meals, medical check-ups, and educational materials.


Help provide Mary a with a brighter future.

