Gender: Girl

Current Grade: Grade 9

In 2020, Sangnu’s family fled to India with SCA. In 2023, the students at SCA returned to Myanmar and were placed in boarding schools. Sangnu’s father struggles with addiction and cannot hold down a job. So Sangnu’s mother is the sole caregiver and provider for their family. Even with two jobs—in the rice paddies and as a construction worker—she cannot afford to send her children to school. She is so grateful that Sangnu has been invited to live and study at SCA. Sangnu is “delicate and soft-spoken.” She loves to serve her friends through cooking and cleaning.  

Partner with our Shalem Christian Academy! Sponsor Sangnu, beginning at $40/month.

Room and board for each student is $160/month. We look for four sponsorships at $40/month to help cover this cost. A sponsor may sign up for more than one sponsorship (i.e. $80/month).

How will your sponsorship help?

Your financial commitment will help provide Sangnu with room and board and an education. Your gifts will pay for Sangnu’s uniform, meals, medical check-ups, and educational materials.


Help provide Sangnu with a brighter future.



