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CRI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to CRI are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
CRI has complete discretion and control over the use of donated funds.
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Type of Program
Project Life Caregivers
Our Project Life program delivers aid to HIV-positive/AIDS widows and their families.
Food Distributions
Give to those in need of our Food Parcel & Rice Services worldwide. $10/month provides a 10-kilo bag of rice each month. $40/month provides food parcels to a family of four each month.
Dondo Medical Clinic
Relieve the pain of the sick and dying by providing staff and medicine to a clinic in Mozambique.
Clean Water Program
Our Clean Water program establishes clean water solutions in areas of need.
Tessa Grace Nutrition
Give life to babies for only $25 a month. Your sponsorship provides nutrition, medical care and education to young mothers.
Project Life
Our Project Life program delivers aid to HIV-positive/AIDS widows and their families.
Sponsor a Child
Your sponsorship helps children find the hope of a future in Christ.